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As I watched you part from
my house, with every step ever so more
I wonder if it is possible to remember
all the things that have happened so far
in your life
To be honest I can't remember a single
thing till the age of 7 or 8 and after
that only flashes of brilliant clarity
I also wondered whether anyone ever
watched me walk away from their
house, carrying just a piece of past,
one small memory
Parting from them with every
step, in sort of a slow motion, lasting hours
maybe years, it's hard to tell
The snow melted on the path, but not
on the grass, meaning not leaving
any trails
but you did leave something
A small memory, a piece of past and a
single pair of white gloves

Paranormal short story by our very own student

Colleen McCullough - The Thorn Birds


John Boyne - The Boy in the Striped



Isabel Allende – Portrait in Sepia


Louisa May Alcott – Little Women ( I., II. )

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